Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery

ln line with RA. No. 11012 (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery) and our mission to provide the best assessment services, the processing time of applications depend on the nature of transaction requested and can be categorized into:

Simple transactions- Application/requests require only ministerial actions or present only inconsequential issues for resolution. These transactions are completed within 3 days upon receipt of request.

Complex transdctions- Application/requests require evaluation/resolution of complicated issues by the officer or employee of the agency. These transactions are completed within 7 days upon receipt of request.

Highly Technicot Apptications- Requests require use of technical knowledge, specialized skill/training in the processing/evaluation of the transaction. These are completed within zo days upon receipt of request.

ln addition, the Provincial Assessment Office follows the newly approved Provincial Tax Ordinance No, 1-2o22 for transaction fees:


Section 49. Assessment Service Fees- There is hereby imposed a fee for the issuance of documents ond certificotes relative to rela properties in the Office of the Provinciol Assessor.

(a) Rates of lmpositions:

i) For every certificate with seal of office – Php 100
ii) For every new tax declarotion – Php 100
iii) For every certificate of landholdings or improvement – Php 100
iv) Verification by use of Tax map – Php 100
v) For every certified truelcopies of tox decloration and supporting documents – Php 100

Amount of Mortgage (in Php)

Less than Php 10,000.00 – Exempt
Php 1o,ooo.oo to Php 50,000.00 – Php 200
Php 5o,ooo.oo to Php 100,000.00 – Php 400
Php 1o0,ooo.oo to Php 200,000.00 – Php 600
Php 20o,ooo.oo to Php 300,000.00 – Php 800
More than Php 300,000.00 – Php 1,000

(b) Specific Administrotive Provisions:

i) The fee herein imposed shall be paid to the Provincial Treosurer and the receipt of which shall be shown bef ore the release of the document of Certificote mentioned in this Section.

ii) Annototion on the foce of the tox declaration is required on londs being mortgdged to lending institutions.