Gift Giving Activity to PDL

On June 24, 2023, Custodial Personnel of Pangasinan Provincial Jail under the direct supervision of PLTCOL LOVELL U DALISAY, Chief of Office provided security assistance during the Gift Giving Activity sponsored by a Private Volunteer led by Ms. Reneelyn C Madriaga, CEO, My One Team in cooperation with Assemblies of God Lingayen Chapter led by Pastor Dione Magno and Provincial Parole and Administration led by Parole Officer Anecito Francis Madronio.

Also present during the activity were Honorable Judge Emma Madronio of Municipal Trial Court, Manaoag, Pangasinan and Pastor Joy Magno who gave inspirational message and shared spiritual guidance to all Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) prior the distribution of food packs and hygiene kits to 253 PDL.

The present Administration under the leadership of the Good Governor, Honorable RAMON V GUICO III thru the Chief of Office, PPJ, Retired PLTCOL Dalisay gave his sincerest thanks and appreciation to the above persons who in one way or another spared their precious time to share their blessings to our PDL.

Conduct of Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) on the formulated PPJ Defense and Fire Plans

The Pangasinan Provincial (PPJ) Jail personnel under the direct supervision of Retired PLTCOL LOVELL U DALISAY, Chief of Office, PPJ conducted second quarter Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) on the formulated PPJ Defense and Fire Plans.

The purpose of the formulated PPJ Defense Plan is to strengthen and tighten the security measures to any eventualities that may arise and to enhance the capability of every PPJ personnel to respond in case of enemy attack and/or other emergencies to discredit the good reputation of PPJ, in particular and to embarrass the Provincial Government, in general.

While, the PPJ Fire Plan is to equip every PPJ personnel on what courses of action to be undertaken to prevent fire from damaging and thwart it from spreading to any parts of the PPJ building/facility by employing fire-fighting, salvaging and security teams.

Meanwhile, the objectives in conducting Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) on the formulated PPJ Defense and Fire Plans is to make them ready and alert to prevent or mitigate causalities and loss of life and limbs particularly the PPJ personnel and the Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) and to avoid damage to property from occurrence.


Medical Mission at PPJ

The Pangasinan Provincial Jail (PPJ) sponsored a Medical Mission in coordination with Provincial Health Office (PHO) assisted by three (3) Physicians, two (2) Medical Technologists, six (6) Registered Nurses, one (1) Pharmacist and four (4) support staff coming from the different hospitals of the province benefited by 222 PDL and 29 PPJ personnel.

The activity is being conducted in a quarterly basis to provide health care among PDL as part of the rehabilitation program.